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Jammu 7th February, 2024
It was a matter of great pride and pleasure for the “Smast Parivaar of Swastik Charitable Trust C/o M/s Swastik Hotel, near Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road, Jammu” to apprise its members in particular and Jammuites in general that for the last many many years this trust has been working for the betterments of the common masses by providing its helping hands for the upliftment of the down trodden community of the society by way of conducting social, religious and spiritual programs under the guidance of its President Sh Pawan Kumar Shastri Ji, a man of high visionary, Pilanthropist, social and religious personality of Jammu and Kashmir.
In order to further continuance of this noble cause, this trust has been organizing a trip for Haridwar for such peoples/ yatries who have not earlier visited the holly city of Haridwar. The main objective of the programme is to conduct a free yoga shivir and also to arrange Ganga Darshan for the devotees visiting Haridwar, all the expenditures so to be incurred during this trip i.e their too and fro journey expenses, boarding and lodging facilities, fooding etc shall be borne by the said trust itself. This trust has already decided to send 1008 such yatries to Haridwar under this programme batch wise on every Amavasya parav on the similar terms and uptill now trust has dispatched 10 such batches to Haridwar thus facilitating about 600 such yatries.
Now on 7th February 2024 (Wednesday) trust has sent its 11th Batch of yatries from Shakti Nagar, Jammu with amidst chanting of vedic hawan and with Hindu religious rituals which was performed by Sh Pawan Kumar Shastri, President Swastik Charitable Trust witnessed by a large number of peoples including the relatives of the yatries who too were present on this occasion.
The celebratin was also attended by Sh. Gurdas Sharma, General Secretary, Sh Raj Kumar Gupta, Trustee and Sh Ashwani Sharma, W.C.M of Jammu Yatri Bhawan, Trust, Sh. Raj Kumar Gupta of M/s Ganesh Enterprises, Sh Zorawer Singh, Vice President, Press club and Chairman Team Jammu.
Those who would like to avail this golden opportunity under the above schme of trust aforesaid may contact us on our website and on following Mob.No’s.
Website:- www.shriswastikcharitabletrust.com
Sh. Sharat Sharma (70069-88815)
Sh. Rajesh Rakwal (70069-88814)

दिनांक 9 जनवरी 2024 मंगलवार को जम्मू यात्री भवन हरिद्वार के मंदिर परिक्षेत्र में दैनिक प्रसाद योजना के अंतर्गत श्रीमती यशोराज्य लक्ष्मी जी धर्मपत्नी महाराजा डॉक्टर करण सिंह जी , चाणक्यपुरी नई दिल्ली निवासी जी के जन्मदिवस के अवसर पर विद्वान ब्राह्मण जनो द्वारा प्रातः कालीन भगवान गणेश जी का पूजन, यज्ञ हवन, गौ पूजन एवं रुद्राभिषेक कर साधु संतों के भोजन का आयोजन किया गया। महाराजा डॉक्टर करण सिंह जी का जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट के प्रति अमूल्य योगदान रहा है। इन्हीं के परामर्श अनुसार आज जम्मू यात्री भवन इस ऊंचाई पर पहुंचा है। जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट भगवान से यही प्रार्थना करता है कि इनके परिवार पर सदैव अपना आशीर्वाद बनाए रखें।ें।

जय गंगा मैया
जैसा कि आप सभी को विदित है श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट की ओर से एक निशुल्क सेवा उन भक्त जनों के लिए प्रारंभ की है जो अभी तक गंगा स्नान एवं गंगा दर्शन हेतु हरिद्वार नहीं गए या किसी कारणवश नहीं जा पाए। उन समस्त भक्त जनों के लिए ट्रस्ट के अध्यक्ष श्रीमान पवन कुमार शास्त्री जी द्वारा यह संकल्प लिया गया है कि सभी भक्तजनों को जिन्होंने अभी तक गंगा में स्नान नहीं किया है, निशुल्क यात्रा कराई जाएगी। इसी अवसर पर प्रत्येक अमावस्या के दिन जम्मू से हरिद्वार के लिए स्नान हेतु निशुल्क बस सेवा का आगमन होता है। इसी कड़ी में दिनांक 9 जनवरी 2024 मंगलवार को ट्रस्ट की ओर से दसवीं बस सेवा जम्मू से विधिवत पूजा अर्चना कर हरिद्वार के लिए भेजी गई। इस अवसर पर जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट एवं श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट के अध्यक्ष श्रीमान पवन कुमार शास्त्री जी, जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट के महासचिव श्री गुरूदास शर्मा जी, ट्रस्टी श्री राजकुमार गुप्ता जी (अध्यक्ष गौ रक्षा समिति जम्मू कश्मीर), वर्किंग कमेटी मेंबर श्री सुखदेव शर्मा जी एवं श्री अश्विनी कुमार शर्मा जी एवं गणमान्य व्यक्ति डॉक्टर ताहिर चौधरी ( भारतीय जनता पार्टी), श्री भरत भूषण लंगर जी एवं अन्य पूजनीय व्यक्ति उपस्थित रहे। यदि कोई भी भक्तजन गंगा स्नान हेतु किसी कारणवश हरिद्वार नहीं जा पा रहा हो एवं वह गंगा स्नान हेतु हरिद्वार जाना चाहता है तो श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट की इस निशुल्क सेवा में अवश्य संपर्क करें एवं इस सेवा का लाभ उठाकर गंगा स्नान कर अपने जीवन को धन्य करें। सेवा हेतु आप निम्नलिखित नंबरों पर संपर्क कर अपना नाम अंकित करवाकर सेवा में अवश्य भाग लें।

1. श्री राजेश कुमार (7006988814)
2. श्री शरत शर्मा जी (7006988815)
3. श्री राज कुमार (7889638734)

जय गंगा मैया
श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट की ओर से ट्रस्ट के अध्यक्ष श्रीमान पवन कुमार शास्त्री जी के मार्गदर्शन में जम्मू भेजी गई 10 वीं निशुल्क बस सेवा का आज दिनांक 10 जनवरी 2024 बुधवार को जम्मू यात्री भवन हरिद्वार में आगमन हुआ। जिसमें आए हुए समस्त भक्त जनों का स्वागत जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट हरिद्वार के कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा विधिपूर्वक किया गया। श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट का यही ध्येय है कि समस्त भक्तजन जिन्होंने अभी तक मां गंगा के दर्शन एवं गंगा स्नान नहीं किया हो उन सभी को इस सेवा के द्वारा मां गंगा का आशीर्वाद अवश्य प्राप्त हो। यह बस सेवा प्रत्येक अमावस्या स्नान के लिए जम्मू से हरिद्वार भेजी जाती है। यदि आप भी इस निशुल्क बस सेवा का लाभ प्राप्त कर मां गंगा का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट में संपर्क कर अपना नाम अंकित करवाकर इस यात्रा में भाग लेकर अपने जीवन को सार्थक करें।

09.01.2024 It was a matter of great pride and pleasure for the “Smast Parivaar of Swastik Charitable Trust C/o M/s Swastik Hotel, near Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road, Jammu” to apprise its members in particular and Jammuites in general that for the last many many years this trust has been working for the betterments of the common masses by providing its helping hands for the upliftment of the down trodden community of the society by way of conducting social, religious and spritual programes under the guidence of its president Sh Pawan Kumar Shastri Ji, a man of high visionery, pilanthropist, social and religios personality of Jammu and Kashmir.
In order to further continuance of this noble cause, this trust has been organising a trip for Haridwar for such peoples / yatries who have not earlier visited the holly city of Haridwar. The main objectives of this programme is to conduct a free yoga shivir and also to arrange a Ganga Darshan for the devotees / visiting yatries, all the expenditures so occured during this trip i.e their too and fro journey expenses, boarding and lodging facilities, fooding etc shall be borne by the Trust itself. This Trust has earlier decided to send 1008 such yatries to Haridwar under this programme batch wise on every (Amavasya Parav) on the similar terms, uptill now trust has despatched 9 such batches to Haridwar thus facilitating about 550 such yatries.
Now on 9th January 2024 (Tuesday) trust has sent its 10th batch of yatries from Shakti Nagar, Jammu with amidst chanting of vedic hawan and with hindu religious rituals which was performed by Sh Pawan Kumar Shastri, President of Swastik Charitable Trust witnessed by a large number of peoples including the relatives of the yatries who too were present on this occasion.
This celebration was attended by Sh Gurdas Sharma, General Secretary, Sh Raj Kumar Gupta, Trustee, Sh Sukhdev Sharma, Sh Ashwani Kumar Sharma, Working committee Members, Jammu Yari Bhawan Trust, besides Dr Tahir Choudhary, from BJP, Sh Bharat Bhushan Langer Ji also Present.
Those who would like to avail this golden opportunity under the above scheme of the Trust may can contact us on our website and following Mobile Numbers.

1.Rajesh Kumar (70069-88814)
2.Sharat Sharmaा (70069-88815)
3.Raj kumar(78896-38734)

जय गंगा मैया!
श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट एवं जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट के अध्यक्ष श्रीमान पवन कुमार शास्त्री जी द्वारा श्री स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट की ओर से निशुल्क बस सेवा का प्रारंभ पुरुषोत्तम मास/ श्रावण मास के अनमोल/पवित्र माह में किया गया था। जिसमें ट्रस्ट ने यह संकल्प लिया था कि जिन श्रद्धालु भक्त जनों ने किसी कारणवश अभी तक मां गंगा के दर्शन एवं पवित्र नदी मां गंगा में स्नान नहीं किया है। उन सभी के आने जाने, आवास की व्यवस्था एवं भोजन आदि सभी प्रकार की निशुल्क सेवा का उत्तरदायित्व स्वास्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट की ओर से लिया गया जाएगा। इसी क्रम में आज दिनांक 10 दिसंबर 2023 रविवार को श्री स्वस्तिक चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट की ओर से विधिवत् पूजा अर्चना कर 9 वीं निशुल्क बस सेवा में श्रद्धालु भक्तजनों को हरिद्वार के लिए भेजा गया।

इस अवसर पर श्री शरत शर्मा जी सुपुत्र श्री पवन कुमार शास्त्री जी, श्री गुरदास शर्मा जी (महासचिव जम्मू यात्री भवन ट्रस्ट), श्री राज कुमार गुप्ता जी (ट्रस्टी), श्री कौशल कुमार जी (ट्रस्टी), श्री अश्वनी शर्मा जी (कार्य समिति सदस्य), श्री सुखदेव शर्मा जी (कार्य समिति सदस्य) एवम् अन्य गणमान्य व्यक्ति उपस्थित रहे। कार्यक्रम की पूजा अर्चना संस्कृत विद्वान श्री जोगिंदर शास्त्री जी द्वारा की गई।

यदि आप भी निशुल्क बस सेवा का लाभ प्राप्त कर गंगा दर्शन एवं मां गंगा में स्नान करना चाहते हैं तो निम्नलिखित नंबरों पर संपर्क कर मां गंगा मैया के दर्शन कर अपने जीवन को सार्थक करें। करें:-

1.राजेश कुमार (70069-88814)
2.शरत शर्मा (70069-88815)
.3राजकुमार (78896-38734)

Jammu, the 10th December, 2023

It was a matter of great pride and pleasure for the Samast Parivar of Swastik Charitable Trust C/o M/s Swastik Hotel, Near Gurudwara Sunder Singh, Jammu to apprise its members in particular and jammuites in general that this reputed Trust for the last many many years has working for the betterments of the common masses, providing its helping hands for the upliftment of the down trodden community by way of conducting Social, Religious, spiritual programmes under the guidance of its President Sh. Pawan Kumar Ji Shastri, a man of high Visionary, Pilanthropist, Social and Religious personality of J & K.

In order to further continuance of this noble cause, Trust during the precious month of Purshotam Mass/Sharavan Mass days had decided to organise a trip for Haridwar for such peoples / Yatries who have not earlier visited the Holy city of Haridwar. The main objectives of this programme was to conduct a free Yoga Shivir Camp and also to have arrange a Ganga Darshan for the devotees/visiting Yatries, all the expenditure so occured during these trips i.e there too and fro charges, residential accomodation, fooding etc decided to be borne by this Trust only. Later Trust has also decided to send 1008 such yatries to Haridwar under this programme batch wise on every Amavasya Parv on the similar terms and condition. As is known to all that in order to meet the commitment made by the President of the Trust Sh Pawan Kumar Ji Shastri, Trust uptill now had despatched 8 such batches to Haridwar covering near about 500 such yatries

Now on 10th December 2023 (Sunday) Trust has sent 9th Batch of yatries from Shakti Nagar, Jammu with amidst chanting of vedic Hawan and Hindu Religios rituals which was performed by Sh Sharat Sharma S/o Sh Pawan Kumar Ji Shastri, witnessed by a large number of peoples including relatives of the yatries who were present on this occasion. This celebration was attended by Sh Gurdas Sharma Ji, General Secretary,Sh.Raj kumar Gupta ji, Trustee,Sh.Koshal Kumar ji, Trustee, Jammu Yatri Bhawan Trust including Sh Ashwani Sharma, Sukhdev Sharma W.C.Ms of the Jammu Yatri Bhawan, Trust. Pooja Archna was performed by Sh Joginder Shastri Ji, a Sanskrit scholar.For any information please contact:-

1.Rajesh Kumar (70069-88814)
2.Sharat Sharma (70069-88815)
3.Raj kumar (78896-38734)


As is known to all that during the precious months of Purshottam Mass/Mal Mass/Adhik Mass and Sharavan Mass days shri swastik charitable trust c/o swastik hotel near gurudwara sunder singh road Jammu had conducted social, religious, spiritual program for the upliftment of the down trodden community under the presidentship of Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri, President of the trust under this program five such yoga shivir camps besides ganga darshan programs were organised at Haridwar for such people/yatries who earlier had not visited Haridwar, thereby bearing too and fro exp besides free residential accommodation, free fooding borne by the trust. More than 300 yatries had availed this facilities provided by the trust in above given five such trips organized by the trust said Sh. Pawan Kuamr Shastri. As already committed by the trust to send 1008 such yatries to Haridwar for the above purpose batch wise on every amavasya parv on the similar terms and condition.

As per commitment made by the trust, the sixth batch of the yatries was sent to Haridwar amidst chanting of vedic havan and hindu religious rituals. This celebration was attended by Sh. Gurdas Sharma, Sh. Raj Kumar Gupta, Sh Laxmi Dutt Shastri, Sh. Shiv Raina and Anita chib. Those who would like to avail this golden opportunity under the above scheme of the Trust may contact us on our website and following Mobile Numbers..

1.Rajesh Kumar (70069-88814)
2.Sharat Sharma (70069-88815)
3.Raj kumar (78896-38734)


We are pleased to inform the public in general and members of the Trust in particulars that Swastik Charitable Trust C/o Swastik Hotel near Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road Jammu has been conducting social, Religious, Spiritual programmes for the upliftment of the down trodden community under the presidentship of Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri President of the Trust. Under this programme a Yoga Shivir Camp besides Ganga Darshan for such people/Yatries that earlier have not visited Haridwar and now wish to attend Yoga Shivir and Ganga Darshan programmes at Haridwar in the precious month of Purshottam Mass/Mal Mass/Adik Mass and Sharvan Mass have been arranged.

Today on 14th August, 2023 Trust has dispatched its 5th Batch of the Yatries by a special bus from Shakti Nagar Jammu. As is know that Trust has already committed to bear too and fro expenses of the visiting yatries besides providing of free residential accomadation as also free fooding facilities under its programme. However for the purpose of taking due care of the visiting yatries/ senior citizens in the way two Doctors has also been arranged by the Trust.

During these tour Yatries will have to attend free Yoga classes where yoga experts will educate them about various way and means of meditation to remain out of stress and to come out from various dangerious diseases and also made known to them the correct way of performing Pooja Archana from the learnt Pandits and veda Acharya on this auspicious occassion 5th batch of Yatries was sent to Haridwar with amidst chanting of vedic havan and Hindu religious rituals which was performed by Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri ji himself. The celebration was attended by Sh. Joginder Shastri, Sh. Raj Kumar Gupta President Gau Raksha Samiti Amphalla alongwith other prominent citizens.

Those who would like to avail this golden opportunity under the above scheme of the Trust may can contact us on our website and following Mobile Numbers.

1.Rajesh Kumar ( 70069-88814)
2.Sharat Sharma ( 70069-88815)
3.Raj kumar ( 78896-38734)

Jammu 11th August, 2023

We are pleased to inform the public and general and members of the trust in particular that Shri Swastik Charitable Trust C/o Swastik Hotel near Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road, Jammu has been conducting Social, Religious, Spiritual, Programes for the upliftment of the down trodden community under the Presidentship of Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri, President of the trust. Under this programe a yoga shivir camp besides Ganga Darshan for such peoples/yatries who earlier have not visited Haridwar and now wish to attend yoga shivir and Ganga Darshan programs has been organized by the trust at Haridwar in the precious month of Purshottam Mass/Mal Mass/Adhik Mass and Sharavan Mass.

Today on 11.08.2023, Trust has dispatched 4th batch of the yatries by a special bus. Trust has already committed to bear too and fro expenses of the visiting yatries besides providing of free residential accommodation as also free fooding facilities and for the purpose, for taking due care of the visiting yatries/senior citizens in the way, one doctor shall also be arranged by the trust.

During these tours yatri will have to attend free yoga classes where yoga experts will educate them about various way and means of meditations to remain out of stress and come out from various diseases. In addition to the above they will also be made known the correct way of performing Pooja, Archana from the learn Pandits and Veda Acharya.

On this auspicious occasion 4th batch of yatries was sent to Haridwar with amidst chanting of vedic havan and hindu religious rituals which was performed by Dr. Joginder Shastri Ji. The celebration was attended by Sh Raj Kumar Gupta, President Gau Raksha Samiti, Ambphalla Jammu along with other prominent citizen.

Those who would like to avail this golden opportunity under the above scheme of the trust they can contact us on our Website and following Mobile No’s:-
Website:- www.shriswastikcharitabletrust.com
Sh. Sharat Sharma (70069-88815)
Sh. Rajesh Rakwal (70069-88814)

Jammu 4th August, 2023

Shri Swastik Charitable Trust C/o Swastik Hotel near Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road, Jammu has been conducting Social, Religious, Spiritual, Programes for the upliftment of the down trodden community under the Presidentship of Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri, President of the trust. Under this programe a yoga shivir camp besides Ganga Darshan for such peoples/yatries who earlier have not visited Haridwar and now wish to attend yoga shivir and Ganga Darshan programs has been organized by the trust at Haridwar in the precious month of Purshottam Mass/Mal Mass/Adhik Mass and Sharavan Mass.

Now on the request of Chudamani Sanskrit Sansthan, Basholi, Distt. Kathua, a reputed Sanskrit vidyalaya, Trust has organized a special such trip especially for the welfare of staff and students of this Sanskrit sansthan. A special bus carrying staff and students has moved from Basholi itself on 04-08-2023. Too and fro expenses, besides providing of free residential accommodation as also free fooding facilities shall be borne by the trust. For the purpose of taking due care of the staff and students on the way, one doctor has also been arranged by the trust.

During this tour staff and students of the said sansthan will have to attend free yoga classes where yoga experts will educate them about various way and means of meditations to remain out of stress and come out from various diseases. In addition to the above they will also be made known the correct way of performing Pooja, Archana from the learn Pandits and Veda Acharya said Sh. Pawan Kumar Shastri, President of the Trust.

On this auspicious occasion 3rd batch of yatries was sent to Haridwar with amidst chanting of vedic havan and hindu religious rituals which was performed by the local prominent pandits. The bus was flagged by Sh. Prem Sagar Aziz ji (Ex.Minister of J & K State) and Sh Ajeet Singh (A.D.C) and so many prominent persons of the Basholi area.

For detail please contact:-
Website:- www.shriswastikcharitabletrust.com
Sh. Sharat Sharma (70069-88815)
Sh. Rajesh Rakwal (70069-88814)